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Despite living only briefly in the US she won the “Good Citizenship” award in 7th grade. “We were robbed” said her classmates.

After graduating from Ithaca College, she traveled 3 miles where she taught theatre and appeared in countless productions (actually you could totally count them. Especially if you have an abacus.)

Heather’s one woman show was born in a garbage dump in the Hamptons, where trash turned to treasure. She created and toured The Ladies in My Closet around theatres, gay bars and nefarious venues such as church basements & American Legion halls, landing with a splash at WomenFest in Key West. The Duplex in the West Village played host to the Ladies on and off for several years, depending on whether Heather could fit in the costumes. Ladies originated at the Kitchen Theatre in Ithaca NY.

Venturing full time to New York City in 2000 she dipped her toe into the cut-throat world of on camera commercials. Heather has moved from “young mom”, to “casual mom”, to “not that young, but not unbelievably old mom” spots. Her most devastating rejection was when she failed to book “severe Amish woman.”

Heather and at times, various “Ladies”, emcees for business events that might otherwise be sleep inducing, and charity fundraisers- where she gently shames people into opening their pockets wider than they ever intended.

Her day job includes working as managing partner for Siam Productions, an event company based in NYC. She’s really in it for the free office supplies.

Listen to a sample of Heather’s voice over work.


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